Friday, February 25, 2005

7 Powerful Ways to Get One-Way Inbound Links

By Trent Brownrigg (c) ( It's no secret that having links pointing to your website isvery good for search engine rankings, and gives more ways forhuman visitors to find your website. So, how do you get one-wayinbound links to your website? Well, there are numerous ways,and I am going to focus on seven of the most effectivetechniques.You probably already know about link exchanges as great way forgetting links to your website. However, with link exchanges, youhave to give a reciprocal link back to the website that islinking to you. In this article I am going to show you how toget links to your website without giving a link back.Ok, here are seven powerful ways for getting one-way inboundlinks: 1) Content - Packing your website full of useful content is oneof the best ways to get inbound links. When you have a lot ofcontent other webmasters will naturally link to you because yoursite will be valuable to them and their visitors. Some examples of good content to add to your website would be;free articles, tools, tips, and resources related to yourwebsite theme. You could also have a blog that you updateregularly with fresh content. 2) Testimonials - A big trend on the internet right now isadding testimonials to websites. The site owners typically getthe testimonials from their site visitors and businesscustomers. In exchange for the testimonial they usually give alink back to your website. Every time you come across a great website, or have a goodexperience with a purchase, send a testimonial to the websiteowner. If they decide to publish your testimonial you will get a link to your website. After a while these links will add up to a significant number. 3) Online Directories - There are hundreds of online directoriesthat accept website submissions. This is a very good techniquefor getting one way inbound links. Many of the top directoriesrequire you to pay for inclusion or provide a link back to theirdirectory. You can give the link back if you want, or pay if youhave the extra money. However, there are also numerousdirectories that will accept your website without payment or alink back.All you have to do is find the ones that accept free submissionsand you will get your one way inbound links. You can find quitea few directories, and some other great information aboutsubmitting to directories at 4) Articles - Writing articles is one of the best techniques forgetting one-way inbound links to your website. Many webmastersare looking for more content for their websites and ezines. Youcan provide them with that content by writing articles andsubmitting them to websites, ezines, and article directories. In return for your effort you can put a little blurb aboutyourself and/or your business, with a link to your website, atthe end of the article. You will rack up a very high number ofinbound links to your website by utilizing this technique. Ihave done it many times with a lot of success. 5) Free E-book - You can write an e-book and offer it for freein exchange for a link to your website. You can also put linksto your website and other affiliate links in the e-book. Puttingthe links in the e-book will increase your website traffic andaffiliate profits.You are probably thinking that you can't write an e-book. Well,yes you can! It doesn't have to be some killer piece of workthat you spend months writing. Instead, you can just make it acollection of your favorite articles, resources, and toolsrelated to your website theme. As long as it is useful to yourvisitors they will gladly link to you in order to get it. 6) Blogs - There are actually a few ways to get one-way inboundlinks with blogs. The first way is simply to host a blog on yourwebsite and update it frequently. People tend to link to blogsbecause they provide content that is constantly being updated.The second way you can get one-way inbound links with your blogis to submit it to blog directories. Just like websitedirectories, there are tons of blog directories on the internetthat you can submit to for free. Just do a search on Google for"blog directory" and you will find many of them to submit to.The third way of getting inbound links with a blog is to host itsomewhere other than on your website. Then, provide a link fromyour blog to your website. After you have done that, you cansubmit your blog to directories for the extra page rank andadded exposure. Use this third technique with as many blogs asyou have time to update regularly with quality content. 7) Free Article Directory - Create an article directory on yourwebsite and allow your visitors to submit articles to it. Askfor a link back to your website in exchange for the articlesubmission. This will build your inbound links and create freecontent for your website. I have successfully used thistechnique for quite a while. You can see one of my articledirectories at, there you go, you now have seven very effectivetechniques for getting one-way inbound links to your website.Get started on them right away and you should see your searchengine rankings rise, your website traffic increase, and yourprofits explode. If you have any questions about any of theselinking techniques just let me know, I will be happy to help.You can find my "contact me" link at the bottom of my website. ============================================== Trent Brownrigg is a successful internet marketer and homebusiness mentor. Visit his website at and he will personallyhelp you succeed with your own home business. You can subscribeto his "Biz Tips Newsletter" by sending a blank email ==============================================

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